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The world's first 35 kV kilometer-level superconducting cable begins operation-世界首条35千伏公里级超导电缆在沪投运
中國首條公里級高溫超導電纜 具6倍功率 省7成空間 創世界先河
WORLD'S FIRST! Shanghai installs 35-kV SUPER cable, improving efficiency of power supply 4-6 times
Superconducting cable manufacturing process
Production, Testing and Laying of Superconducting Cables - ZMS Cable
《中国财经报道》 我国首条公里级高温超导电缆示范工程启动 20190227 16:00 | CCTV财经
Superconducting Power Cables Market
电线和电缆有何区别?超导电缆如何解决用户增加和电缆太多的问题?20220425 |《透视新科技》CCTV科教
DC power transmission superconducting cable technology
The world's largest single-capacity floating photovoltaic power station-世界单体容量最大漂浮式光伏电站-德州丁庄320MW
The world's largest pumped-storage power station is officially put into operation-世界规模最大抽水蓄能电站投产发电丰宁